The First Sausageman of the Inglorious '45!


Hi everyone, I thought I'd share my painting of this, the first Sausageman of the Inglorious '45.  If you haven't seen the origin of this project for Too Fat Lardies' most excellent Sharp Practice, you can read all about it here and here.  The model I'm painting is representative of The Duke of Cumberland's 1st Footguards, whose facings are blue.  These are painted with VMC Ultramarine Blue and given a wash of Army Painter Strong Tone Shade.  But I get ahead of myself, because you need to undercoat the model before hand.  

According to my notes, I undercoated this model with VMC 70.862 Black Grey.  Normally I'd have used black, but I had run out at the time, so this was the next best thing.  Why do I use black for my undercoat?  Well, because I tend to paint from darkest tones up to the highlight.  Having a black undercoat allows me to play about with the ratio of water to paint and get some smooth layers between these extremes of colour.  As someone who wet blends a lot, this helps me out no end.
I base coated the redcoat with Vallejo Game Colour 72.044 Dark Fleshtone.  When dry I painted another layer of this colour over almost all of the coat, leaving only the deepest folds untouched.  I then painted over this with Citadel Base Khorne Red, making sure I left some of the Dark Fleshtone visible in the recessed areas.  I then mixed in some Citadel Base Mephiston Red, again leaving some of the darker colours visible to define the shade.  A final highlight was given with pure Mephiston Red.  
Leg Gaiters
I base painted these with VMC 70.988 Khaki.  I then began adding successive highlights, each covering a slightly smaller area that the previous one by adding in small amounts of VMC 70.884 Stone Grey.  I then applied Citadel Base Mechanicus Standard Grey to the straps below the knees. This all looked great, but I felt there wasn't quite enough definition in the deepest recesses.   So I applied a targeted application of Army Painter Soft Tone Wash either side of the grey straps, and along the vertical line behind the buttons.  Satisfied that this looked a lot better, I went ahead and painted the buttons with a pure dab of VMC 70.884 Stone Grey.
These were base coated with VMC 70.907 Pale Grey Blue and then painted over with VMC 70.951 White, taking care to leave a small amount of the Pale Grey Blue visible for shading.  
Black Hat
This is a little easier since the base colour is the undercoat.  However, it created a reverse process.  Normally I'd paint the VMC 70.862 onto a black undercoat, making sure to leave some black in the deepest recesses.  So this time, I had to wait until I had some black paint to paint it into the recesses.  I then applied a few layers to blend it into the VMC 70.862 Black Grey.  A final highlight of this mixed with Citadel Base Mechanicus Standard Grey finished the job off perfectly.  

Fur Thing on Back
This was base coated with VMC 70.873 US Field Drab and washed with Army Painter Soft Tone Shade. When dry, the wash was applied to the deepest recesses only to define the pouch. 
This was given a base coat of VGC 72.044 Dark Fleshtone.  I then mixed this in roughly equal measure with VMC 70.860 Medium Fleshtone and applied it to all but the deepest recesses (eyes, either side of nose, mouth).  I then built up layers until I was using pure Medium Fleshtone.  I then added a very small amount of VMC 70.951 White to place extreme highlights along the forehead, nose, cheeks, ears, top lip and chin. And then, to make the eyes recess a little more, I applied a small amount of Army Painter Soft Tone to the sockets.  And yes, I never paint the eyes.  
The wood was given a base coat of VMC 70.873 US Field Drab.  Metal areas were base coated VMC 70.863 Gunmetal Grey.  When dry, I applied a wash of Army Painter soft tone all over the musket.  Simple.
Belts and Musket Strap
A base coat of VMC 70.847 Dark Sand was applied.  This was then washed with Army Painter Soft Tone Wash.  Highlights were applied with the base colour.

Bullet Pouch
This was painted with Citadel Base Mechanicus Standard Grey.  Army Painter Dark Tone Shade was then applied.  Edge highlights were simply a reapplication of Mechanicus Standard Grey.
And the base?  Well, I applied my base mix consisting of children's playing sand, railway ballast and small cork chippings to my 1p base before the model was undercoated.  I undercoat my base only after the model itself has been undercoated and that undercoat has dried.  This is to make sure I don't get any loose grains of sand on the model.  The base was then drybrushed with VMC 70.873 US Field Drab.  Khaki was then added to this for successive drybrushing VMC 70.884 Stone Grey was then applied to the tops of the rocks before I added Woodland Scenics Green blend turf, some Noch Spring Static Flock, and a couple of tufts of Dry Grass.  I've no idea of the manufacturer as I got these on eBay a long time ago.  

Whilst all this is about Cumberland's men for the battle of Culloden, you can use any of the techniques I described above to achieve good results on any models that have these colours.  

And as always, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Very nice. It's interesting to compare this chap with my own efforts. If we ever manage to put on a physical game I don't think they will look too different at gaming distances.

    1. I very much hope we'll be able to person at some point. And although we've missed out on Deep Fried Lard this year, I'm very much hoping we'll be able to run a game at next year's event. Plus, a chance to game before then would be an added bonus!


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