Dash to the Farm, an original scenario for TFL's WaT!

A few photos from a recent game of What a Tanker! I ran via the miracles of modern technology with some good friends from different time zones.

'Dash to the Farm' is a scenario I wrote on the back of another game of What a Tanker! I ran at Virtual Lard 5. It narrates a desperate attempt to rescue some staff officers from a nearby farm, featuring a slew of tanks, and an Opel Blitz that had to get up this road as quickly as possible...

The Germans create a strong advanced position, the right flank held by an entrenched Tiger and Stug III G, the centre by a Panther, and a diminutive Hetzer on the left flank...

The Allies begin pushing forwards with a Churchill, a Cromwell, a Firefly and an M18 Hellcat...
Before long the Allies try a new tactic...ram the Panther!

It didn't end well... 
Then suddenly a panther pushes it's way onto the Allies' flank... 
And after four turns of play characterised by some frankly alarmingly bad task rolls, and a reduced total to keep the game going, the Opel Blitz appeared on the road and began its headlong rush to rescue the staff officers cowering in terror in the farm...
and for a moment it was all looking good, as the Opel was going too fast for any allied tanks to acquire it as a target...
But the Panther had decided it was fed up of heavy armour, so reversed to help out the other Tiger (yeah, we were bringing on replacement tanks throughout the game. It happened. A lot. 
By now the Allies were losing a lot of Firefly tanks. And things got a bit desperate for this Sherman...
Suddenly the Opel Blitz, driven by the Half Headless Hans Von Diesel, upon realising it couldn't enter the farm compound because of the allied tanks, promptly did a handbrake turn to slam itself safely by the side of the barn... 
With limited options, the injured Panther decided a pirrhic win is better than no win...
And then a Firefly with too many drive dice and not enough acquires decided to try an alternate way of taking it out...
Needless to say it worked...
At the end the Germans secured a minor victory. The Allies lost six tanks, the Germans three. Some were brewed up. Some crews bailed. Many thanks were rammed. One Panther refused to give up, even with 5 permanent damage hits to its turret..
My sincere thanks to Owen, James, Andrew, Jimmy and Luke for an awesome evening's entertainment. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to think up another new scenario.

Btw, this game was so much fun, it even broke my tape measure...
