Zombie Golf World Tour Series 3

Good Morning Sports fans!

As the apocalypse gears up into hyperdrive following the imminent death of Google +, we're proud to announce another season of the now-infamous PGZA World Tour!  The G+ demise might have wiped out every single comment on this lovely blog of mine (the dastardly swines!) but we're gearing up for what promises to be the most exciting golf tour this side of the apocalypse to date!

The Mystery Machine Tour Bus is being fuelled as we speak, the players are checking both their irons and their ammo supply and all is gearing up for some wonderful contests.  because, as we all know, Golf is just a boring walk in the park until you add in some Zeds!

We'll be making a new departure with this season folks, as we upgrade our rules from the original 2005 Origins Award winning set to the latest edition of Two Hour Wargames' All Things Zombie: Final Fade Out Edition.  We'll have our own homespun and Ed Teixeira approved sand trap rules in play and lots of new layouts on different boards I've made over the years.  it won't just be Hexon this time, folks!
So join us from next week as we begin broadcasting the matches from around the world.  You'll only find this kind of fun here on this channel, folks!

So remember.  It's the Zombie apocalypse.  And we're surviving it one golf course at a time!


  1. Great concept!
    Strange things are happening now G+ is fading out, for me it's the fact I can't reply on some blogs but have no problem doing so on others.

    1. Yeah, it kinda has no rhyme or reason. It's a shame I lost all the comments on my blog. There were so many helpful suggestions there. Having them taken away feels like half the benefit of my blog has gone.

  2. Great work, Stiubhart, and I hope your comments remain intact this time! At least I'm still getting the email notifications (which is sporadic at best for other blogs these days...).

    1. So glad we're still in touch Evan, and that you're still getting email notifications.

  3. Nice pictures, this is a real apocalypse, G+ is dying...litlle by little...but we can still play golf, it's essential! Cheers,

    1. The demise of G+ really does feel like the apocalypse has struck. Its so sad. Hopefully our games of Zombie Golf will keep us going in the months ahead. Along with the promise of regular posts on my blog about everything I'm up to and trying to make for my games! Excuse me while I go and check the fairway for Zeds...!


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