Justice Department, Mega City One

I have to say a huge thank you to Warlord Games. They got me out of a pickle you see. I got their Justice Department Mega-City Judges recently. I had been looking forward to painting them as you'll know. Unfortunately, when I eventually got round to opening the box, I discovered that one of the miniatures was missing.

So I contacted Warlord Games and a very nice man by the name of Harry James got back in touch and made sure that the missing miniature arrived in the post. I'm absolutely delighted with this level of customer service.
With all eight models together, I was ready to begin painting. Of course,  before I could put paint to brush, I had to get to work preparing and basing the models. There were a few mould lines that needed to be removed carefully with scalpel and file, and a fair bit of flash that needed removing as well.
Then it was a case of gluing them to their bases.  This saw my return to dealing with slotta bases, something I haven't done in more years than I care to remember.  This f course meant getting the slots to fit in their respective bases. This in turn led to a lot of filing, clipping and scraping.
Oh, and a lot of milliput afterwards to fill in all the gaps and smooth it all off.
And when all that was dry, the painting could begin. I had a lot of fun painting these. I confess I used a lot of black in my shading to visually tie them into the comics. I decided to avoid using any metallic paints as I wanted them to look as if they had been lifted from the comics themselves.  Also I couldn't quite bring myself to paint the eagle in gold and not do the same for the other shoulder pad.
I also found a difference in the colour schemes for the cadets from one illustration to another.  So I kinda went for what looked good to me on my models.  After all, it's not like they are Napoleonics, are they?
Anyway, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Right, I'm off to clean my palette.  And then I'm away to paint something completely different!  Don't ask me what, because I haven't decided yet!
