Well, it may have taken three attempts to finally get a force list together for my Anglo-Saxons, but at least I've been a bit quicker with the brush! These to lovely models come from Renegade Miniatures who seem to be back in business after a couple of years in which they dropped off the planet. This of course was a shame as they have such lovely sculpts. I confess to owning some of their WWI range. Yup, that's right. Another project that has languished on my to do list for far too long. Personally I blame Renegade for their absence... That and a serious lack of funds. Anyhoo...
So let me present on the left Eadwulf my Huscarle and on the right, Aethelweard, my Theign. Only hope Aethelweard manages to live up to his epithet!* History, and our upcoming sagas in Blood Eagle may have something very different to say...
I should add that I developed a whole new setup for painting much of Eadwulf thanks to Corrie, my wonderful Border Collie, who was in need of some extra cuddles as you can see here:
All that remains is for me to flock the bases, then I'll be able to move onto the next model - my priest from Gripping Beast!
*A combination of two Old English words 'aethel' meaning 'noble' and 'weard' meaning 'guardian'.
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