Whatever Happened to Felstad?

I think I live in some kind of parallel universe.  No doubt of my own construction.  In the real world Frostgrave has become a wonderful success. In my universe it's been a bit of a non starter.  There's nothing wrong with  the system as far as I can see without having played it. And it 's not the setting,  because I love it.  Sure,  you could argue that I have too many other projects vying for my attention.  But who hasn' t?  No,  there's clearly something rotten in the state of Felstat.  Or at least in my parallel universe of it.

It can be only one thing.

The scenery.

In he little parallel universe I live in,  scenery is everything.  Along with the little toy soldiers of course.  Whatever I game has to look right.  And when I say look right,  you know of course that it has to look right to me. This is not always a good thing,  you'll understand.  I wish I could settle with scenery from another system I've played.  But for Frostgrave I can't.  Now,  whilst I can see the scenery I make for this game getting  used for others,  I simply can't use what I currently have with  Frostgrave.

For a start,  there has to be snow.  And Frost,  funnily enough.  Maybe a few icicles as well.  And to be perfectly honest,  I haven't made any scenery like this before.  Even if I had wanted to.

Secondly,  I can't bring myself to use my old GW Mordheim cardboard buildings for Frostgrave.  I simply can't.  Honestly,  I might have actually thrown them out years ago because card is simply too thin to represent stone walls at 28mm. But let's not allow facts to cloud my argument at this point.  No!  I can't use these buildings because they are Mordheim buildings.  And whilst I am aware that many players clearly don't think twice about such things,  I clearly do.

I'm a real fan of the imagery in the Frostgrave rulebooks.   I'm a real fan of Dmitry Burma's paintings.  And I want to emulate this on my games table.  So I'm avoiding Gothic architecture and affecting a return to the earlier Romanesque style.  This seems to be more in keeping with the artwork.

Those of you who know this blog will be aware that I had a go at making a modular board last year.  The plan was to use multiples small bases that could be placed together in a large variety of configurations to give as many different layouts as possible.

I only made one.

The reason for this is simple.  I was worried about how well it would last.  Foam core I decided,  was too prone to getting damaged.  This revelation created a period of stagnation that was supported by the head scratching and ruminations of my fellow gamers.  We're not very good at compromising on our vision and plans,  you see!

Anyhoo,  the upshot of this ramblings is to assure you that I have not forgotten this project.  In fact,  I hope to be able to blog some progress on this scenery in the coming weeks.  I' m very much interested in hearing your thoughts on my progress too!
