I thought it was high time I managed to cobble together a few photos to show off my two completed four man section of SAS from north-west Europe.
These are from Warlord Games, and were an absolute joy to paint.
I'' be using them in my games of Bolt Action and NUTS! (when I eventually get enough figures painted, that is!), but the real impetus for getting my hands on this set of shiny loveliness is my Weird War Z house rules I'm working on. There's plenty of material about that project on my blog already, so I won't add to that just now. Instead I'll leave you to browse the photos.
Apologies to anyone who came here thinking they were getting some Arthurian legend. The title is a reference to the SAS cap badge. Although many people continue to think it's a picture of a winged dagger (and Warlord Games fell into this trap on their website), it's actually King Arthur's sword Excalibur surrounded by flames. So there you go. Factual as well as pictorial! What will I think up next...!
These are from Warlord Games, and were an absolute joy to paint.
I'' be using them in my games of Bolt Action and NUTS! (when I eventually get enough figures painted, that is!), but the real impetus for getting my hands on this set of shiny loveliness is my Weird War Z house rules I'm working on. There's plenty of material about that project on my blog already, so I won't add to that just now. Instead I'll leave you to browse the photos.
Apologies to anyone who came here thinking they were getting some Arthurian legend. The title is a reference to the SAS cap badge. Although many people continue to think it's a picture of a winged dagger (and Warlord Games fell into this trap on their website), it's actually King Arthur's sword Excalibur surrounded by flames. So there you go. Factual as well as pictorial! What will I think up next...!
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