Building the Burbs: Seeing Double

Having found myself with a couple of unexpected hours free (isn't it wonderful when that happens!!!) I set to work on the second board for my Burbs scenery project.  This was literally a repeat of the process described in my previous post, so I'll simply direct you there rather than go over the same old ground here.
Here's the remaining two raised sections cut out and ready to have the top layer of card peeled back. No need to worry about the warping.  This happens when you keep your large sheets of foamcore in the garage.  But once the foam is exposed, they settle down completely.
And here's the base layer turned over and covered with my trusty wood glue (PVA).  You can see the driveways didn't receive any glue so they can be lifted into position flush with the top layers afterwards.  I was clearly enjoying myself swirling the glue around...
And once completed, here it is placed beside the one I did earlier.  Just to prove that I did actually make the second one!

What's next?  When it's dry I'll be able to inscribe the foamcore, adding in all the kerb stones and paving slabs. Then I need to size the boards.  I didn't do this with the city boards.  This foamcore is so absorbent that it took four coats to get an even coverage last time.  I hope to be able to halve that by covering the boards with a mix of PVA and water.  I have heard that when it comes to foamcore, enamel paints do a great job of sealing the surface.  But I haven't had any enamels since I was in my early teens.  Which was quite some time ago...

Of course, I'm also itching to get on with making the houses!
