My next project will be in preparation for All Things Zombie by the ever-excellent Two Hour Wargames. I've wanted to play this game for a long time but the scenery has been a source of concern for me. I want a post-apocalypse board that looks claustrophobic. With the sense that things are no longer right. The game system requires scouring in buildings as well as moving around in the open. I've thought about it a lot. Scratched my head. And given up time and again...
Until this last week!
It's not going to be like anything else I've ever seen or attempted to do. I don't even know if it'll work. But please join me for this next project. Because if it does work as I hope it will, it'll be freakin' amazin'!!!
I only started this blog to find a way of recording my progress in a project I thought would become too big to handle. A way to catalogue my progress and commit to something bigger than I've ever dared to undertake in so many years of gaming. I never thought it'd register almost a thousand hits. So a heartfelt thank you to each one of you from America to Russia, France to the Ukraine and everywhere inbetween. I'm truly humbled to have been able to share this work with you. And I'm even more humbled that you've taken the time to see what I've been doing.
So keep watching this space. The future's dark. The future's All Things Zombie.
(And for some strange reason that sounds pretty awesome!)
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